For Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Unlock Profitability & Build a Thriving Business

With the Profit Simple course, you’ll create a strategic plan that’s focused on doubling your profits and maximizing your cash flow. This isn’t guesswork—it’s a proven system that guides you step-by-step toward building a business that’s not only sustainable but scalable, so you can enjoy the financial rewards you deserve.
Unlock Profit Simple
The Step-by-Step System to

Build a Profitable Business

Profit Simple is a six-module course designed to help you go from overworked and overwhelmed to a business owner with clarity, control, and real profitability. Throughout this course, you’ll learn how to prioritize profit, optimize your pricing and costs, and create a roadmap that ensures long-term financial success—without complicated jargon or time-consuming methods. This course is designed to be straightforward, actionable, and most importantly, effective for business owners who are ready to get real results.

Simple to Follow

You don’t need to be a financial expert—our step-by-step process and pre-built tools make it easy for any business owner to master profitability.


Each module is designed to give you immediate, actionable wins that help you gain control of your business finances and see real progress.

Proven Success

Our system has helped countless entrepreneurs across industries turn their businesses around by focusing on profitable strategies that work.

Expert Guidance

Led by award-winning CPA Robert Gauvreau, you’ll learn from someone who has guided thousands of business owners to scale their profits.

Module 1

The Financial Model Builder

Without a clear picture of your finances, you're flying blind. We’re not talking about "boring accounting practices"—we’re talking about truly understanding where your money is going and how your business is performing. You’ll finally have clarity on your numbers, no more flying blind or wondering where your profit went. It’s time to take control.

Module 2

The Gross Profit Maximizer

Now that you know where you stand, it’s time to make every dollar count. We’ll dive into the strategies that successful entrepreneurs use to price for profit and eliminate those sneaky costs draining your bank account. This module is all about increasing your bottom line and making your business work for you, not the other way around.

Module 3

The Exponential Growth Analysis

Ready to grow? Let’s flip the script and put profit at the center of your growth strategy. We’ll set goals that actually make sense—no pie-in-the-sky projections—and map out the areas of your business where growth is not just possible, but profitable. It’s time to stop guessing and start building a business that thrives.

Module 4

The Growth Plan Accelerator

Now it’s time to take action. This is where we move from planning to doing. We’ll arm you with the tools to increase transaction frequency, bring in more leads, and build a loyal client base. Forget spinning your wheels—this module will have you taking decisive steps to grow your business in ways that actually make sense and money.

Module 5

The Financial Audit Blueprint

If you’ve been avoiding your finances, this module changes everything. We’re making numbers simple again. You’ll learn how to read and analyze key financial documents, but more importantly, you’ll learn what they mean for the future of your business. This isn’t just about looking at numbers; it’s about using them to make bold, strategic moves.

Module 6

The Cash Flow Jumpstart

We all know profit doesn’t always mean cash in hand, and this is where we fix that. You’ll learn to manage cash flow like a pro—speeding up the money coming in and slowing down what’s going out. Plus, we’ll make sure you’re building a reserve for the unexpected so you’re never caught off guard again.

The Final Step

The Wealthy Entrepreneur Annual Budget

You’ve made it through the core modules, but here’s where it all comes together. In this final step, you’ll take your newly optimized growth plan and financial model to build a detailed, actionable annual budget. This isn’t just a spreadsheet—it’s your roadmap to achieving real, measurable profit over the next 12 months. You’ll track your financial progress and stay laser-focused on your goals, ensuring you don’t just grow—you grow profitably. This final training locks in the clarity and control you need to drive impactful, sustainable business growth. Let’s make your numbers work for you.

Ready To Go From Surviving to Thriving?

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Stop Avoiding Your Numbers: Why Doing Nothing Will Sink Your Business

Let’s be honest for a second: what’s scarier than looking at your business numbers? Ignoring them. Too many business owners are stuck in the grind, focused solely on sales while avoiding the one thing that truly matters—profitability. You might think you can get by without facing your numbers, but here’s the hard truth:

Most businesses don’t fail because they lack customers; they fail because they run out of cash.

Here’s the reality:

  • 50% of businesses fail within five years.
  • 83% of those who survive are still struggling, living week to week.
  • The #1 reason? Poor cash flow and lack of financial clarity.

Does this sound familiar? You’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up chasing revenue, thinking that more sales will solve your problems. But here’s the truth—revenue is just a vanity metric if you’re not turning it into profit. Sales might feel like progress, but they won’t pay the bills or lead to sustainable growth. Without a profit-driven strategy, you’re simply working harder, not smarter.

And that’s where many business owners find themselves: stuck in the grind, constantly chasing more but never truly getting ahead.

You Can't Afford to Stay in Survival Mode

So ask yourself: Are you running your business, or is it running you? If you’re always overworked, scrambling to keep up, and still feeling like you’re barely making progress, the answer is clear—you don’t have control of your numbers.

Here’s the thing: avoiding your financials doesn’t make the problem disappear. It just keeps you stuck in survival mode. Every day you choose to push those numbers aside, you’re inching closer to becoming just another failed statistic. You can’t afford to keep ignoring what really matters.

Feeling stressed? That’s because you don’t know if your revenue is actually turning into profit.
Overworked? You’re running yourself ragged, hoping more sales will be the magic fix.
Avoiding your financials? It’s the silent killer that keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle.

But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to stay this way. There’s a better path forward.

The Wake-Up Call You've Been Avoiding

Profit Simple isn’t about teaching you how to sell more or work harder. You’ve already been doing that, and it’s not getting you where you want to go. This course is about giving you the tools and clarity to take control of your finances so you can finally break free from survival mode.

Imagine this: knowing exactly where your money is going, and more importantly, how to keep more of it. Wouldn’t that be a game-changer? That’s what Profit Simple is here to do. It’s not just another course—it’s a step-by-step roadmap that helps you:

  • Understand your financials without needing to be a numbers expert.
  • Build a profit-driven business that scales without sacrificing your personal life.
  • Stop chasing revenue and start keeping more of the money you’re already making.

It’s time to stop the guessing game and start building a business that’s built to last.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Here’s the reality: you don’t have time to keep spinning your wheels, hoping things will magically change. Doing nothing doesn’t just keep you stuck—it puts your business and your future at risk.

Think about it: every day you avoid taking action, you’re staying stuck in the grind, overwhelmed and overworked. Your business keeps taking more from you—your time, your health, your relationships—and giving less back. And if you don’t make a change, you risk becoming one of the 50% of businesses that won’t survive or survives week to week.

This isn’t just about avoiding failure. It’s about building a business that thrives—one that gives you back the freedom and financial success you’ve been working so hard for. The question is, if you don’t take control now, when will you?

Ready to Stop Avoiding Your Numbers?

The biggest mistake you can make as a business owner is thinking you can keep winging it. If you want real results, you need real clarity. And that’s exactly what Profit Simple is designed to give you—the roadmap, tools, and confidence to take your business from survival mode to financial success.

It’s time to get real about your numbers, build a plan that works, and finally start seeing the results your hard work deserves.

Unlock Profit Simple

Get Immediate Access to Profit Simple

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Here’s what you’ll receive when you join Profit Simple and start building a more profitable business:

6-Module Profit Simple Training: Lifetime access to over 18 core trainings of step-by-step guidance to take you from stressed out and overworked to in control and profitable. In this on-demand training, Robert Gauvreau will walk you through each key step—building a financial model, maximizing profit, creating a growth plan, and optimizing cash flow—to help you get clarity on your finances and turn your hard work into sustainable profits.

The Wealthy Entrepreneur Worksheet: You’ll get access to this easy-to-use tool that syncs all your financial data to give you a crystal-clear picture of where your business stands and where it’s headed. No need to worry about complicated math—we’ve got the formulas covered so you can focus on growing your business.

Profit Simple Annual Plan: This guide helps you map out your next 12 months with clear financial targets, ensuring you stay on track and focused on what matters most—profitability. This is your roadmap to success, helping you take real action on the goals you’ve set.

Get Started for $4,997 Today!

It's time to take control of your business finances and start making the profits you deserve.

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Meet Your Coach Robert Gauvreau

Robert Gauvreau is an award-winning CPA, entrepreneur, author, and financial strategist, renowned for helping business owners achieve unprecedented financial clarity and profitability. With decades of experience, Bob has become a leading authority in the world of finance, empowering small business owners to turn their passions into profitable businesses.

Bob's entrepreneurial journey began with the founding of Gauvreau Accounting Tax Law Advisory, an innovative professional services firm dedicated to supporting North America's greatest entrepreneurs. Under his leadership, Gauvreau has grown to serve thousands business owners nationwide, delivering customized financial strategies that focus on maximizing profit, optimizing growth, and achieving long-term sustainability.

In addition to leading Gauvreau, Bob is a highly sought-after speaker and author of the best-selling book The Wealthy Entrepreneur. Through his book, coaching programs, and podcast, Bob shares actionable insights that help entrepreneurs build the financially secure and scalable businesses they’ve always envisioned. Bob’s impact extends far beyond numbers—he’s passionate about transforming lives through financial empowerment and business success.

Still deciding?

Peter Drucker once said, "Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision".

Now is your opportunity to make that courageous decision. Here’s how we see it—you’ve got three options:


Do Nothing And Keep Spinning Your Wheels

Closing this page might save you $4,997 today, but what will it cost you in missed opportunities, frustration, and stalled growth?

If you’re still here, you’ve likely realized that the hustle and grind of doing the same thing every day isn’t delivering the results you want. You’re stuck. And that feeling won’t go away until you make a change.



Go It Alone and Try to Figure It Out Yourself

Sure, you can take what you’ve learned and try to implement it on your own. Tony Robbins said, "No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you’re still ahead of everyone who isn’t trying." That’s true.

But here’s the thing—how many months or years (and tens of thousands of dollars) are you willing to spend guessing your way through? With businesses failing at alarming rates, how much longer will you risk your time, money, and energy, hoping to figure out the formula to profitability on your own?



Take Control by Unlocking Profit Simple

Why take unnecessary risks when you could follow a proven system that delivers results? Profit Simple is the step-by-step framework designed to help business owners like you double their profits, build a sustainable growth plan, and finally achieve clarity in their financials.

I know it’s tough to take that first step, especially when you’re already juggling so much. But that’s exactly why we’re here. We’ll walk you through the entire process, together.

There’s no reason why you can’t be the next success story.

"If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieve the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results." - Tony Robbins

This is exactly what we’re offering you—the same proven strategies that have helped countless entrepreneurs scale their businesses, increase profits, and reach new financial heights.

The choice is yours, but if you’re ready for real change, we’re ready to guide you.

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