The Wealthy EntrepreneurĀ Blog

"Successful entrepreneurs are not satisfied with status quo. They are constantly looking for new opportunities to improve their current situationĀ and increase their impact."Ā 
Robert Gauvreau

Gross Profit vs Gross Profit Margin

So one of the questions that comes up is, what is gross profit and gross profit margin?

Are they the same thing or are they different?

And we've talked about gross profit, gross profit being the...

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Growing Fast? Here's What's Likely To Kill Your Company

If your goal is to grow your business fast, you need a positive cash flow cycle or the  ability to raise money at a feverish pace. Anything less and you will quickly grow  yourself out of...

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Your Financial Model is a Powerful Tool (And How to Itemize Each Component)

Having access to solid information puts you in a position to make better financial and strategic decisions. Your business’s financial model can provide access to that data.

How often do you...

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Why Positioning Your Messaging Is Vital for Your Business (And The Three Steps You Need to Follow)

Sustainable growth has as much to do with navigating your finances as it does with messaging. You must resonate with your audience to have an impact and increase your financial performance.


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Grow Your Business Faster by Building Value ā€“ The Eight Drivers You Need to Know

What makes a business great? Is it the sales? The revenue? Its reputation? Or is it something else? Find out the answer.

You’ve started working on your business. 

You’re looking at...

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From Six Figures in Revenue to a Multi-Million Dollar Business in Two Years (And the Three Tips for Creating Sustainable Growth)

Scaling a business won't do you any good if you can't support its growth. Check out three things that bring stability and sustainability during growth periods.

Ever thought that growing a business...

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